AC/DC fans demand the ultimate live experience. The Rock or Bust Tour featured a Mad Max-style stage, with metallic, two-color, beat-perfect lighting, created by Vari-Lite VL4000 BEAMWASH luminaires.
Show Director Patrick Woodroffe wanted a lighting design that captured AC/DC’s raw style. He wanted powerful, bright, chunky beams and dirty acid colors, as well as some more delicate effects, tight beams and hard-edge source points.
Patrick teamed up with long-term AC/DC lighting director Cosmo Wilson, who has worked on around 700 AC/DC shows, all of which used PAR cans as a mainstay in the rig. However, Cosmo is a big fan of Vari-Lite and was keen to see what the VL4000 BEAMWASH could do.
A variety of fixtures were used on the tour, including more than 60 VL4000 BEAMWASH luminaires, and numerous VL3500 WASH and VL3500 SPOT luminaires. Patrick and Cosmo weren’t disappointed: “The VL4000 BEAMWASH lens system is unbelievably good,” says Cosmo. “They’re big lights, but they move fast and I can change the look on stage in an instant.”